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Journal of design research and innovation

Graphic design in times of crisis

Analysis of tattoos after the Covid-19 pandemic. Case: Grenada, 2020


The world of tattooing is expanding and becoming more and more integrated into our society. The aim of this study is to determine the themes and styles of tattoo users in the wake of the Covid 19 pandemic. Specifically, the technique of content analysis will be used, together with the use of the quantitative approach. These will be applied to a sample of the most relevant tattoo artists in Granada and their works by means of an analysis sheet. In this way, we will be able to observe the influence of a period of crisis when it comes to making a body modification, such as tattooing, and how this can help in the face of such a traumatic situation, as a means of escape.

José María Ripoll Ruiz

Concept Magazine Vol. 1 - 2022