Mi movilidad Erasmus+ para estudios en Praga: Carmen Padial, ESADA

Carmen Padial, alumna del 3er. curso de Diseño de Interiores en ESADA
Movilidad Erasmus+ para estudios en Art & Design Institut en Praga (República Checa) desde febrero 2022 a junio 2022.
I am going to write a short summary of my experience in the city of Prague, Czech Republic.
I have been studying at ADI, the Art and Design Institut, from February to June 2022. The classes were in czech and english too. In the class we were around 15 people, there were also some classes that were online because of covid. My classmates have also helped me (espe-cially among the Erasmus students we helped each other a lot because there were several Spaniards.) both with the language, the classes and the notes.
When it came to getting by, I could get by quite well in English, both at university and in the street, although in some places Czechs did not like to speak in English, only in their Czech mother tongue. One tip is to say "Dobry dèn" in Czech when you arrive, it makes them very happy. By the end of the eramus I knew some Czech words, but above all my English has improved.
Finding accommodation was a bit complicated, but thanks to some social networks I mana-ged to meet people and through other contacts I found the flat where I stayed. The accom-modation is a bit more expensive than in Granada, about 400euros/month. Life in the city was amazing, there were always a lot of tourists and we loved walking around the streets and listening to Spanish.
The public transport in Prague is fantastic, you have a lot of communications to get anywhe-re, although if you are in the centre you can walk anywhere, everything is quite close. We students were given a card which you pay about 15 euros for three months to use any public transport (tram, metro, bus and ferry). If you are not a student, this same fare can cost you about 60 euros.
Regarding the city, it is a tremendously touristic city, and I am not surprised because it is one of the most beautiful cities I have ever seen. I could not choose just one place out of all of them, but I could say three of the most special ones: the Charles Bridge, the castle and the old city square.
Finally, I have to say that being a capital city in the centre of Europe, it has fantastic commu-nications for travelling to other countries. In my case, for example, during my Erasmus I have travelled to Munich, Berlin and Budapest.
I highly recommend this experience, the personal growth is fantastic and you come back valuing your culture and knowing many others, I have returned in love with the city and the life there.