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ESADA | Escuela Superior de Arte y Diseño de Andalucía

Laura Guerrero, profesora de Diseño de Moda en ESADA Movilidad Erasmus+ de docencia en  UNIVERSITÀ IUAV DI VENEZIA en Italia, del 10 al 14 de abril de 2023. What better city than Venice to go on Erasmus+? I was lucky enough to be in this wonderful city from April 9 to 16.  One of the things that surprised me the most about this city is that despite being more known as a tourist city, it has 7 universities all over the island. The faculty of architecture was the building where I was as a teacher where in addition to this branch fashion classes are taught in both masters and degree. I was offered to do a workshop in the class of Professor Vaccari, one of the teachers there. The subject that the students were giving in class was about the Anthropocene, so the idea of this workshop was to make digital fashion illustrations and mood boards. The workshop began with an introduction by a graduate student of the IUAV named Sandra where she explained the concept and...
Laura Guerrero, Fashion Design teacher at ESADA Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching at  UNIVERSITÀ IUAV DI VENEZIA in Italy, from  10th to 14th April 2023. What better city than Venice to go on Erasmus+? I was lucky enough to be in this wonderful city from April 9 to 16.  One of the things that surprised me the most about this city is that despite being more known as a tourist city, it has 7 universities all over the island. The faculty of architecture was the building where I was as a teacher where in addition to this branch fashion classes are taught in both masters and degree. I was offered to do a workshop in the class of Professor Vaccari, one of the teachers there. The subject that the students were giving in class was about the Anthropocene, so the idea of this workshop was to make digital fashion illustrations and mood boards. The workshop began with an introduction by a graduate student of the IUAV named Sandra where she explained the concept and...
Félix Guerrero, Coordinador Erasmus+ en ESADA Movilidad Erasmus+ de personal en UNIVERSITY OF ART AND DESIGN IN CLUJ-NAPOCA en Rumanía, del 20 al 24 de febrero de 2023. My new Erasmus adventure took place from February 20th to February 24th 2023. This time I visited the University of Art and Design in Cluj-Napoca (UAD), located in the North-West of Romania, in the heart of Transylvania which is famous for its medieval landscape and vampire stories. ESADA has an Inter-Institutional Agreement with UAD, which also offers a degree program of the four specialities of design, and it has amazing faculties and facilities located in different parts of the city. During the first semester of this academic year 2023-24, ESADA had the pleasure to host some of their students for an Erasmus mobility. Ms. Andreea Zimbru, Secretar of the Erasmus+ Department at UAD, was a wonderful host and she showed me many of the faculties located right in the city centre of Cluj-Napoca. One...
Félix Guerrero, Erasmus+ Coordinator at ESADA Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Training at UNIVERSITY OF ART AND DESIGN IN CLUJ-NAPOCA in Romania, from February 20th to February 24th 2023. My new Erasmus adventure took place from February 20th to February 24th 2023. This time I visited the University of Art and Design in Cluj-Napoca (UAD), located in the North-West of Romania, in the heart of Transylvania which is famous for its medieval landscape and vampire stories. ESADA has an Inter-Institutional Agreement with UAD, which also offers a degree program of the four specialities of design, and it has amazing faculties and facilities located in different parts of the city. During the first semester of this academic year 2023-24, ESADA had the pleasure to host some of their students for an Erasmus mobility. Ms. Andreea Zimbru, Secretar of the Erasmus+ Department at UAD, was a wonderful host and she showed me many of the faculties located right in the city centre of Cluj-Napoca. One...
Jana Borojevic, Graphic Design student at UNIVERSITY OF ARTS IN BELGRADE (Serbia) Erasmus+ Mobility for studies at ESADA from October 2022 to January 2023. I am a fourth-year graphic design student and for my semester abroad, I choose Granada. It was my first choice because of the city’s beauty and cultural significance, the language seemed interesting and not that hard to learn, and the Spanish sunny weather also didn’t hurt. At ESADA, my receiving institution, I was warmly welcomed alongside the other Erasmus students. We were given a tour of the school and the city, and then a meal with traditional Spanish dishes, while we chatted and got to know each other. My mobility coordinator, Felix, was very kind and helpful and all of my questions were soon answered and issues resolved. The model of work and the subjects themselves differed from what I was used to at my home institution, so it was an interesting change. The knowledge from every individual subject was used...
Radina Velcheva, Graphic Design student at NATIONAL ACADEMY OF ART - SOFIA (Bulgaria) Erasmus+ Mobility for studies at ESADA from October 2022 to January 2023. The city of Granada is a very beautiful, peaceful, warm, lively and youthful city. Most locals do not speak English and it is a wonderful opportunity to practice your Spanish language skills. I didn't have any when I arrived, but by the end of my stay I could understand more than I thought I would. The old streets, influenced by Arab culture, are perfect for afternoon strolls. The tropical gardens are uniquely beautiful. The many places to watch the sunset - ditto. The live music stage is busy every day, and the various Erasmus organisations do community inclusion events. Four months are not enough to enjoy the atmosphere that is provided. Regarding finding an apartment for the semester was a bit difficult though, many people take advantage of international students by jacking up the price of the room in question...
ESADA had the pleasure to welcome its new Erasmus students to carry out their study mobilities during the second semester of this academic year 2022-2023.     These young designers come from schools from all over Europe: Università Iuav di Venezia (Italy), TED University (Turkey), Vilnius College of Technologies and Design (Lithuania), Art & Design Institut (Czech Republic), New Design University (Austria), Scholastika (Czech Republic), Politehnica Univeristy of Timisoara (Romania), Savonia University of Applied Scienses (Finland),  Estonian Academy of Arts (Estonia), Hungarian University of Fine Arts (Hungry) and Viamoda (Poland).     Thank you all for choosing ESADA for their Erasmus+ mobility. We are sure that they will have an enriching and unforgettable experience in our school and in Granada!  
Daniela Andreina Quiñones, alumna del 3er. curso de Diseño Gráfico en ESADA Movilidad Erasmus+ para estudios en SCHOLASTIKA en Praga (República Checa) desde febrero 2022 a junio 2022. Aunque mi principal enfoque para participar en éste programa era netamente algo académico, durante mi estancia en Praga experimenté cosas que nunca antes me había atrevido a hacer. Conocí gente increíble que me ayudó a no ser tan tímida y que fueron parte de momentos muy felices durante el trayecto, con los que pude viajar a distintas zonas de República Checa, donde exploramos parques naturales, acampamos, hicimos fogatas, y por sobre todo compartimos risas; me atreví a salir un poco más de mi zona de confort ya que tuve que vivir por primera vez sola durante 5 meses, pero me ayudó a ser más independiente y responsable, y por último gané más confianza hablando en inglés (en especial porque en República Checa se habla un idioma muy complicado y no aprendí más que a decir Na Zdraví = ¡Salud!, además...
Carmen Padial, alumna del 3er. curso de Diseño de Interiores en ESADA Movilidad Erasmus+ para estudios en Art & Design Institut en Praga (República Checa) desde febrero 2022 a junio 2022. I am going to write a short summary of my experience in the city of Prague, Czech Republic.I have been studying at ADI, the Art and Design Institut, from February to June 2022. The classes were in czech and english too. In the class we were around 15 people, there were also some classes that were online because of covid. My classmates have also helped me (espe-cially among the Erasmus students we helped each other a lot because there were several Spaniards.) both with the language, the classes and the notes. When it came to getting by, I could get by quite well in English, both at university and in the street, although in some places Czechs did not like to speak in English, only in their Czech mother tongue. One tip is to say "Dobry dèn" in Czech when you arrive, it makes them...
Paula Garnica, alumna egresada de Diseño de Producto en ESADA   Movilidad Erasmus+ para prácticas de egresado en la empresa DE BESTURING situada en La Haya (Países Bajos). desde octubre 2022 a enero 2023. El estudio Daniel Van Dijck se encuentra en De Besturing ( en la ciudad de la Haya, Países Bajos. Es un complejo de estudios de diferentes creativos, situado en una antigua nave de creación de barcos. Además de los espacios individuales, tiene talleres comunes como un taller para trabajar madera, metales, moda, y taller de cerámica y vidrio entre otros. La organización del tiempo en las prácticas ha sido en términos generales: Octubre, Noviembre y primera mitad de Diciembre: Producción de Piezas; Segunda mitad de Diciembre y Enero: Diseño de una nueva pieza para el estudio. Las tareas más detalladamente han consistido en: - Producción platos por modelado de arcilla - Producción platos por vertido de porcelana en molde - Producción...
Lucas Farah, Graphic Design student at UNIVERSITY OF ART AND DESIGN IN CLUJ-NAPOCA (Romania) Erasmus+ Mobility for studies at ESADA from October 2022 to January 2023. From the very first day the city of Granada has aroused my interest as a lively city with a rich culture and a high university status. The town, mostly populated by students, is very similar to my hometown Cluj-Napoca. In Granada there are many prestigious universities with a wide range of majors ranging from fine arts to medicine, architecture, business and many others. The city's culture is unique as it was strongly influenced by the culture of the Middle East during the Muslim occupation. A reflection of this culture can be seen both in some of the city's architectural elements but also on the gastronomic scene where Middle Eastern cuisine has a large share on the tables of local restaurants. The university where I did my mobility, ESADA is a private university with a specialty in fine arts. It has cemented...
Paula Mutiloa, alumna del 3er. curso de Diseño de Producto en ESADA Movilidad Erasmus+ para estudios en HKU UNIVERSITY OF THE ARTS UTRECHT en Utrecht (Países Bajos) desde septiembre 2022 a febrero 2023. Llegué a Eindhoven, Holanda, el 10 de julio de 2022. Vine con un amigo, contratados por una empresa para trabajar en una fábrica en Utrecht; la que me dió una casa que compartía con 20 trabajadores más. En verano hice muchos viajes por Holanda durante los fines de semana: fui al norte Den Helder y visité una isla, Texel. Dormíamos en la tienda de campaña por donde pillamos. En agosto, me fui sola a acampar a la costa oeste de Holanda, Zaandvort ann Zee y me encontré con una playa ‘petada’ de gente; fue una experiencia para recordar. Entre trabajo y viajes, buscaba piso, algo demasiado complicado en Holanda hasta para los holandeses. Cuando por fin encuentro uno, cerca de la universidad; me timan y pierdo 1700€. Realmente el dinero no me supuso mucho pero el engaño sí;...
Claudia García, alumna del 2º curso de Diseño de Interiores en ESADA Movilidad Erasmus+ para estudios en ABADIR ACCADEMIA DI DESIGN E ARTI VISIVE en Catania (Italia) desde octubre 2022 a febrero 2023. ¡Sin duda una experiencia inolvidable! He vuelto hace una semana de mi Erasmus y todavía no soy consciente de que ha acabado. He tenido la suerte de que mi experiencia de Erasmus en Catania ha superado con creces mis expectativas, y eso que ya eran altas. Aunque está feo decirlo, la universidad se deja un lado en el Erasmus pero tanto profesores como los integrantes de la universidad son súper atentos para otorgar la mejor experiencia posible. Te centras en disfrutar, conocer y experimentar cosas y personas nuevas. En mi caso he tenido la oportunidad de descubrir una isla impresionante como es Sicilia que tiene para ver cosas todos los días. Y no tengo duda de que volveré a mi ciudad de Erasmus porque tengo pendientes miles de rinconcitos impresionantes que no me ha dado...
Félix Guerrero, Erasmus+ Coordinator at ESADA Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Training at VILNIUS COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGIES AND DESIGN and VILNIUS COLLEGE OF DESIGN in Vilnius (Lithuania) from October 10th to October 14th 2022, Such a wonderful and unforgettable week I spent in Lithuania! This was my third Training mobility, which took place from October 10th to October 14th 2022, and this time I had the opportunity to visit two schools while in Vilnius, with which ESADA has an Inter-Institutional Agreement. And my experience has also been very positive, full of events, meetings and, of course, free time to enjoy beautiful Vilnius in every sense. My main visit was to the Design Faculty of Vilnius College of Technologies and Design (VTDK), located in an impressive building near the city centre. This school offers Interior Design and Graphic Design and, actually, we have two students from VTDK doing their Erasmus mobility for studies at ESADA. Ruta Kalytiene, English...
Félix Guerrero, Coordinador Erasmus+ en ESADA Movilidad Erasmus+ de personal en VILNIUS COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGIES AND DESIGN y VILNIUS COLLEGE OF DESIGN en Vilna (Lituania) del 10 al 14 de octubre de 2022. Such a wonderful and unforgettable week I spent in Lithuania!
Anna Pandolfo, Interior Design student at Università Iuav di Venezia (Italy) Erasmus+ Mobility for studies at ESADA from September 2021 to June 2022.   When I chose to do my Erasmus in Granada, I never expected to have such an exciting experience.Granada was my first choice because I was inspired by its culture and history.When I arrived in the city, the first thing I saw was the Cathedral and the Realejo neighborhood: at first I didn't have a house, just a two-day stay in a hostel, but it wasn't very difficult to find a nice apartment in the center of the city. On the first day of October I was at ESADA for the presentation of the school to the Erasmus+ students. Our group consisted of two Turkish girls, two Lithuanians, three Italians and a French boy and girl. We got along well and, between classes, parties and cultural outings, a good friendship was born.At the beginning, it was very difficult for me to follow the classes in Spanish and to do projects,...
Joaquín López, alumno del 3er. curso de Diseño de Producto en ESADA Movilidad Erasmus+ para estudios en JAN MATEJKO ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS IN KRAKOW (Polonia) desde febrero a junio de 2022. Por decisiones mías y la emoción que sentía de irme de casa y empezar el proyecto, decidí irme diez días antes de que empezase el semestre. Llegué a Krakow a las dos de la mañana y básicamente me pasé los diez días solo, es muchísimo más difícil de lo que parece conocer a gente sin ningún puente ni conexión que te ayude a llegar a ellos. Pasado este tiempo llegó mi compañero de piso, un checo llamado Jaromïr que también estudia diseño de producto, y las cosas fueron bastante mejor; empezamos a sufrir juntos por la poca comunicación con la escuela de aquí y al final decidimos pasar de la parte administrativa y meternos en las clases a hablar con los profesores. Aquí conocemos a Lakís, personaje esencial de esta historia, él es un polaco que vive en España y estaba de erasmus aquí,...
Chiara Da Rold, Interior Design student at Università Iuav di Venezia (Italy) Erasmus+ Mobility for studies at ESADA from February to June 2022. My experience at ESADA was unforgettable. The university gave me the possibility to improve my skills, thanks to the interesting projects and the help of the professors who follow the students step by step during all the work. During the course I participated in initiatives such as the ESADA Design Event, the Design Week and the visit to Casa Decor. Also the relationship with my classmates was very good, they helped me inside and outside the university and I felt part of the group. Granada is a city to discover, with famous monuments and many places to visit. Life in the city is quiet and safe but at the same time never boring. I have had the chance to get to know the culture and customs of the region, falling in love with it.
Camilla Bertini, Interior Design student at Università Iuav di Venezia (Italy) Erasmus+ Mobility for studies at ESADA from February to June 2022. I'm Camilla, an Interior Design student at IUAV University in Venice, Italy, and from February to June 2022 I was part of that heterogeneous and huge world of Eramsus students who travel around Europe looking for new experiences. My destination was Granada, Spain, a city that welcomed me from the first day and that I immediately recognized as "my home". Granada has been a wonderful discovery for me, a city with an interesting history, smiling and multiethnic, which offers the student many cultural and entertainment possibilities.I chose Granada mainly because of the university I was going to attend: Esada - Escuela Superior de Arte y Diseño de Andalucía, which I had already been interested in because of the presentation on the website. The university reality has been very different from what I am used to in Italy, the relationships...