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ECOFUNES (retailer dedicated to the sale of organic clothing)

Inmaculada García Ramírez

3ºBA Interior Design
ECOFUNES (comercio dedicado a la venta de ropa ecológica)

The project of Inma García Ramírez is about redesigning a fashion store in the corner of Plaza Trinidad and Capuchinas street, on the first floor of the hotel "Casa Trinidad", in Granada.

The new fashion store is an "emerging" firm led by a young designer, who will be a student of ESADA in the 3rd year of Fashion Design.

The student chosen for the project is Elena Funes. Elena is an environmentally conscious person and gives great importance to where it comes from, what function it will do and where the material will go. Therefore, the history of the material is very important to her.

After interviewing her, she has established for us a program of uses and needs when selling her collection:

In the process of manufacturing the garments she needs natural light, she also needs two sewing machines, two overlockers, a donkey, a rack and pattern making table. The client is a person who likes to show that the garments are made by herself and not to create a store like Zara. This makes it a more familiar treatment, so she defines it as a slow fashion, with quality, perpetuated over time and ecological.

The customer wants it to be a changing sales space, flexible but not fragmented.

In addition, she wants the store not to go out of fashion.

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ECOFUNES (comercio dedicado a la venta de ropa ecológica)