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Wave, a contract bank generated by sound waves generated from and for the street

Joaquín López Re

2ºBA Product Design
Wave Portada

This project is about people, how they feel and how to connect them.

Joaquín's inspiration came from seeing how children play in parks, they simply enjoy moving without a clear objective; to enjoy. When comparing with how adults behave, we realize that this kind of attitude is still in us, only much more hidden.

That's why he came to the conclusion that he just needed to create a space that promotes this behavior. But this is easier said than done.

It all started from creating shapes, from sound waves made by people on the street. Those shapes, where to design somehow, it is not easy to sit on them, you always have to jump or climb to find a place. Once you are on top, the only way to get back down is by jumping or sliding.

Each piece can have more than one person, promoting social interaction in groups, and social interaction between different groups.

Image gallery

5. Wave carton
4. Wave arcilla
3. Wave parque
2. Wave detalle
Wave Portada