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Sins From Magdala

Manuel Vázquez Palacios

TFEOfficial Master in Videogame Design

Sins from Magdala is a graphic adventure in three dimensions made in the Unity engine. We are in a circular scenario, in which we will have to solve 7 puzzles, each one related to a different cardinal sin. And as a background the story of the "controversial" figure of Mary Magdalene. Using as a base the biblical verses in which it makes reference to the 7 demons that Jesus expelled from her.

To solve them we will have to analyze each of the 7 sins and make use of our virtues as human beings to correct what is wrong and know how to dominate the 7 demons that rule us, through different types of puzzles: visual, logical and skill, and in turn, get the 7 stones of the sins to get rid of them.

The main objectives of the game are, on the one hand, to entertain the player and give him that feeling of victory after solving a situation that at first might not seem to have it, and on the other hand, to look with different eyes the story of the biblical character of Mary Magdalene and encourage the search for personal growth through the elimination of the most common sins in the human being.

Art Bible

The visual section that has been proposed for the game is rather realistic. We have sought to have this style because in this way the player can feel much more real the environment and help to get into the situation.

We have played with the different sizes of the elements of the scene, creating an environment that gives the feeling of being surrounded by objects and is also something that has allowed us to reuse them for different areas of the scene.

The objects within the game, especially the structure of the room, are intended to look like they were built around the 1st-2nd century.

For Sins from Magdala it has been decided to use materials typical of the period such as wood, limestone
wood, limestone (among other types of stones), glass and some metals,
evoking that feeling of antiquity and always respecting the aesthetics of the game.

The style sought with respect to the color palette was to play with the "Teal and Orange" effect so used in the Hollywood industry, using blue and orange (complementary colors) as a base and raising the saturation to give that movie effect. Hence the use of torches as base lighting and a volumetric blue light emerging from the center of the room, which creates that contrast and covers all objects in those two shades that practically fix the scene. Apart from that, despite the high saturation for the light, with respect to the texturing, the objects have low saturated colors to give that feeling of old, worn, covered with dust...

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