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RRR: Resist Revive Rescue

Eduardo Cruz Sánchez

TFEOfficial Master in Videogame Design

RRR (Resist Revive Rescue) is a boss rush genre game, that is, it consists of a series of demanding fights against unique enemies, each one being unique and requiring different skills to overcome them. The game will be composed of 4 levels, so there will be 4 very different enemies that, based on some main mechanics, will develop in different directions.

The main references of this Master Thesis have been Hollow Knight, Sekiro, Furi and Katana Zero. From these bases, a light, fast and immediately responsive 2D combat was implemented. The evolution of the boss fights also stems from the inspiration of the references, so the enemy will change the way it fights as the combat progresses.

The game's plot is based on a mystery that the player will have to discover little by little. At the beginning of the game, the main character is locked up without knowing why and has to escape by defeating the Jailer, his first enemy.

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