Interior Design with an International Touch

At ESADA, interior design is one of our fundamental pillars. The designs created by our students surprise us year after year, but that creativity doesn't stay within our walls.
As is common in our school, our interior design students had an Erasmus BIP experience this September in Greece, alongside Yaşar University and the University of West Attica. There, young designers from various European schools worked together, overcoming language barriers, on a project over the course of a few days. The objective of this project was to redesign the Sarlitza Palace hotel, which is currently in ruins.
Renovation for Emotional Healing
In this proposal, the designers worked under the theme of "Healing," focusing on emotional well-being. Inspired by the thermal waters of Θέρμης (Thermis), they created spaces for relaxation, including a room with a sand floor, creativity areas, soothing projections, and thermal pools. The project preserves the essence of the original building, transforming it into a haven for rest and self-connection.
Project completed by Tomás Santiago, Jesús Castillo, Emirhan Çakmak, Deniz Ercan, Gregory Papantzimas and Emanuela Popllo
PATH[OS]: Rediscovering the Mysteries of Artemis
The students revitalized the Sarlidje Palace in Lesbos, Greece, drawing inspiration from Greek mythology and the goddess Artemis under the theme of "Eros." The path designed around and within the building leads visitors to discover key points of ancient rituals in honor of Artemis, such as purification, offerings, and mystical ceremonies. The experience invites sensory reflection and dialogue about the beauty of the space and its significance.
Project completed by Esther Aguilar, Araceli Vázquez, Aycan Dede, İrem Türker, Eleutheria Vraka and Lida Bitsika
Rebirth in the Styx
The river Styx from Greek mythology is the foundation for this proposal. The project envisions a spiritual journey where the visitor symbolizes a soul passing through the underworld, being purified through key spaces such as a symbolic river, a spiritual fountain, and outdoor baths. This immersive experience aims to connect the building's history with a reflection on life, death, and the purification of the soul.
Project completed by Lola Andreu, Isabel Garzón, Melisa Uçar, Nursu Avcı, Katerina Fykari and Eleni Kyritsi
PRE-VEIL: Revitalization of the Palace with a Futuristic Vision
In this design, the Sarlidje Palace has been revitalized, respecting its natural decay under the concept of "ruins." The proposal transforms the space into a nightclub, attracting young tourists without altering the original structure. An interior glass coating protects and preserves the building’s history, allowing visitors to connect with its past while ensuring its functional use in the long term. The project combines façade preservation and adaptive reuse, maintaining the character of the palace.
Project completed by Sara Tepra, Daniela Ontiveros, Eren Başaran, Esra İpek, Charalambos Kardatos and Marianna Fotopoulou
Time Gap: A Journey Through Time
An immersive journey is the core of this final proposal. Through strategic points, scenes from the past are recreated, showcasing the building’s evolution from its peak to its current state. This sensory experience connects the present with history, highlighting the cultural and architectural richness of the palace, while integrating influences from various cultures over time. It invites reflection on the relationship between people, places, and eras.
Project completed by Raul Fernandez-Espartero, Lucia Sancho, Pelin Çukurova, Gökçe İrem, Katerina Panagiotou and Sofia Panagiotopoulou