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Customizable fashion with Experimental Material

Andrea Martínez Espinosa

TFEBA Fashion Design

This project is born from the approach to the human body and the basic concept of clothing as: protection (use of armor in the past, current sport protections, evolution of functions for the near future) (fear of the fragility of the human being), ornament (relationship with vanity, pleasure, acceptance and social status) and healing (mechanical correction treatments of the human skeleton, use of prostheses and development of orthopedics).

Influenced by the connection between torture-pleasure and beauty-suffering. For the creation of unique, detachable and interchangeable pieces that allow the user to be his own creator and form his own identity through an ecological material (Creation of a biodegradable fabric from glycerin and gelatin), which ends with the realization of a conceptual fashion editorial with these garments.

Creation of the new material

For the creation of the formulas, we have consulted a reference in bioplastics and experimental in Spain: Raquel Bujara.
experimental in Spain: Raquel Buj. After working with the properties we were looking for in this material, we arrived at the following formulas:

- Flexible bioplastic: 75% Water + 15% Neutral gelatin + 10% Glycerin.
- Rigid bioplastic: 81% Water + 16% Neutral gelatin + 3% Glycerin.

Once the solution is obtained, the necessary pigment is added. The liquid is poured onto horizontal sheets and left to dry in the air. This type of drying in a non-sterile environment, such as a laboratory, causes the appearance of mold. This can be remedied by adding
cleaning vinegar. Another problem to consider is the sensitivity of the material to heat.

When the material has acquired a gel-like consistency, the pieces should be cut with a guide. Once dry, they will insert the rings for subsequent assembly on a mannequin to create a custom mesh.

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